Personal Injury Law and Societal Implications

What Is Personal Injury Law?

Personal injury law, also known as “tort law”, is a piece of legislation or a system or rules that involves issues concerning torts which are legal wrongs committed against a person or property rendering the persons who commit them liable for damages. Legal wrongs may include assault and battery, invasion of right to privacy, failure to maintain confidentiality such as divulging of information to unauthorized persons, property damages, negligence, character assassination and emotional distress. These are only some examples of legal wrongs and may include other aspects as well. Basically, the aim of this kind of law is to aid in the recovery of the person’s losses as well as the prevention of such cases from occurring again for the reason that it discourages such wrongful conducts.

Establishment of the Injury

A personal injury cannot be claimed to exist without establishment of the adequate evidence itself. It is in this manner that monetary damages, medical expenses and the like may then be obtained. Furthermore, constitution of a tort cannot be possible without the existence of certain criteria. Take for example oral defamation (also known as slander), cannot be distinguished as oral defamation if the exchange of remarks only occur between two persons. A third person who happens to hear the comment must be involved.

Another concern under tort laws is also the existence of the compensation culture, a culture wherein people who have suffered personal injuries go to court for even the very minor incidents to seek for compensation. This poses a challenge in obtaining proper investigations during personal injury scenarios.

See also  Personal Injury Law and 'Compensation Culture'

The Common Scenario

Despite the existence of the said law, a large number of cases never reach court and are usually resolved outside. An increase of number of complaints does not always guarantee good resolves. This may be due to factors such as the involvement of a large sum of money, not to mention the costs involved when one sues. Furthermore, some cases disappear due to its little chance of success in the first place.

Beneficial Effects

On the beneficial effects of the Personal Injury Law to society, a number of claims state that the existence of such law certainly aids victims through proper compensation thus preventing future occurrences. Moreover, it encourages good medical practices, satisfactory services, conscientious actions, proper decision making on fairness and equality, and termination of disputes or conflicts. This is also the reason why personal injury lawyers are very important it today’s society.